
AntFarm Systems

17 Jul 2023

The Feta-l Oppressors of Our Time

Hey there, cloud enthusiasts and tech aficionados! Today, we’re diving into the bizarre world of cheese makers and their insidious plot to oppress the masses with their dairy-laden dictatorship. Move over, Big Tech; it’s time to meet the real culprits behind global injustice—the cunning cheese makers.

Picture this: a world filled with the aroma of camembert and gouda. Sounds delightful, right? Wrong! Behind those cheesy smiles lie the true architects of societal oppression. They’ve cunningly manipulated us into craving their scrumptious creations, all while hiding their nefarious intentions.

First and foremost, let’s address the blatant classism of cheese makers. Sure, they preach equality among cheese enthusiasts, but have you ever tried accessing their exclusive cheese caves? It’s like trying to infiltrate the Illuminati! The elites hoard the finest Roquefort while the rest of us are left nibbling on rubbery processed cheese slices. The struggle is real.

And let’s not forget their propaganda campaign! They have convinced us that “cheese is life” and that it’s a basic human right. But really, it’s just a clever scheme to keep us hooked on their dairy delicacies, ensuring their profit margins soar higher than an eagle on energy drinks.

But wait, there’s more! The dairy mafia, led by the Grand Gouda, wields immense power and influence over our lawmakers. Forget government lobbying; cheese makers have perfected the art of political wheely-dealings. They grease the wheels of legislation with the finest truffle-infused brie, ensuring they remain untouchable while the rest of us suffer from lactose intolerance.

Now, some may argue that cheese makers provide employment opportunities, but let’s be honest—those “artisanal” cheese craftspeople are just glorified slicers and dicers. They’ve turned cheese production into an overhyped, hipster hobby, all while forcing us to pay top dollar for their pretentious products.

This may have been written using chatgpt with an input to mimick (or mock) Corey Quinn.

The AntFarm at 00:00
